Sunday, July 31, 2005
Sunday musing
Now Playing: Puddle of Mudd

Just got back from my walk. I am doing MUCH better with that than I am with my eating. I just get going well on my eatting and then something happens. REally I shouldn't be making excuses, I can always say no. But that is hard to do and once I start being bad it is all downhill for the next day or two. Usually I do better on monday when I'm alone again. This week I haven't decided what I am going to do. I have that physical on wednesday and I really don't want to have ketones in my urine during that. So maybe I'll be good tomorrow and then have something starchy tuesday night and wedesday morning. That should take care of the problem.

I slept awful last night. I don't know whether it was because I walked so late or if I am a bit on edge about the new job. I"m sure I'll feel better in a couple weeks when I get into the swing of things. But until then I can feel myself shutting down, hiding from the world and people. Allan doesn't always understand that and thinks I am just pulling away from him. Hey I'm pulling away from EVERYONE....LOL

Posted by debblynn13 at 4:43 PM CDT

Saturday, July 30, 2005
What to say
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: American Homeshop

I DID mention that I'm not good at keeping this up....right? LOL I'll try to update you.

Jake showed up around 7 am and went back to bed...YEAHHH. I went back to bed too, but I kept hearing Jake. He got up went to the bathroom, turned on the shower..hmmmmm...finally he knocked on my door. He said he had lice so he wasked his hair and he thinks that are bugs in his bed. LOL> I checked his hair, no lice....checked the bugs. I told him once you start thinking about being itchy, it is hard to stop. He finally settled down and went back to sleep until 10. When he got up we played some computer games and then went to Ankeny to get some groceries. While we were there jake told me that he needed new clothes for school. We picked out a couple shirts and a new pair of shoes. He had ruined his sandals the day before when he stepped ont he back to take them off. It ripped them almost in half. Jake also decided we should have tacos for supper, so I got all the makings to make it like HE likes it. That means NO refried beans, just hamburger and taco seasonings.

Today I didn't do too much. Aunt Alma is 87 years old today. The family met over at her house around 6 for pizza and cake. It was a good group, Barb, John, Jim, Diann, Becky/Roger and family, Rachel and Aydan, Chris/Anne and Tim, Al/me, Kev and Jake, Johnnie.....hmmmm.....wonder who I forgot. Well as you can see it was a large group. Alma had a blast and said it was much nicer than if she had to go out somewhere.

Had to call HR today and I got the number for the occupational therapy doc. I set up the appt for next wednesday at 9:45. Maybe I can go out with allan for dinner afterwards. And she told me that I need to stop by HR and complete some forms and find out where to go the next wednesday. So that is all set up. I did start walking around town and doing some exercising. Made two miles in 20 minutes not too bad...*smile* I have to get somewhat in shape by next week.

I went for a nice walk today, I didn't quite go as fast today tho, my hips are a bit sore. I have to be careful to not over do and hurt myself. Otherwise didn't do too much. I have been incredibly lazy the last few days. I tried to convince myself to go through some stuff, but it is so overwhelming. I need to make myself do some next week.

Today allan ran up to Minn. He is interested in a truck up there. He really likes it and would like to have it.
He has the high bid right now, so now we wait and see if anyone outbids him.

I haven't exercised yet today, was too lazy this morning. Well actually I was thinking about going to ames and working out on a machine for awhile. Though that might be better than walking today. My hips are still pretty sore. But I got interested in a movie and then al came home. Guess I will have to walk tonight after it gets cooler. I think we will be going out for supper in about an hour.

Posted by debblynn13 at 4:09 PM CDT

Monday, July 25, 2005
It is decided
Mood:  down
Now Playing: WHO-TV news at 10

It is done, decided. Now I hope I made the right decision. I called up and turned down the job on the telemetry floor and went with the oncology job instead. Now I wait until I hear from HR. If she doesn't call before wednesday, I'm suppose to call her. Then I will get some phone numbers to call for a physical....*BLECK*

I went to my doctor today and got some b/p medications. Hopefully it is just short term and after I get some weight off and relax a bit, I can stop them. So what do I do tonight? EAt three icecream bars..handfuls of mints. GEEsh....bad girl. Tomorrow is a new day, I should start keeping track of everything I am eatting and my exercise levels. Tomorrow it is suppose to be cooler so maybe we can do something outside for a change.

I'm pretty tired now, kinda relaxed. I should hit the sack, Jacob will be here early tomorrow. Sweet dreams......

Posted by debblynn13 at 10:11 PM CDT

Saturday, July 23, 2005
Mood:  a-ok

So I made it through friday and the interview. Let me back up and tell you how it went. I left home with plenty of time to spare. I figured I would stop and get a taco salad before the interview. Silly laid plans ya know. I got 5 miles out of town and remembered I had left all the contact info at the house. So back I went grabbed it....and now it was getting too late to eat. Ran down to Methodist, walked in. The floor was good. It had a good safe "you-are-home" feeling. I met Shelley in the hall and she had me sit down and wait a bit until Cherry got back upstairs. The interview went well. They asked questions, I answered. I asked questons, they answered. I think we were all pleased. Finally as we were wrapping things up I mentioned that I really needed to have some kind of idea if they planned on hiring me by monday since I had to respond to another job by monday and that Methodist was my hospital of choice. THey want me...*GRIN* So we talked about shifts and schedules. I said I would prefer nights over evenings so I could be home with my husband occassionally. But the Nurse Manager said she was going to advocate for her new nurse grad and asked the shift supervisor if she could work something out on a day/evening rotation since she didn't like a new grad to be on nights. This was the clincher. This lady was looking out for my best welfare and trying to accommodate my wants and concerns. That is the type of enviroment I want to be in. So I plan on calling on monday, talk to the HR dept and find out about pay, sign on bonus and benefits. But I can't imagine them being too out of line to the point I won't take the job. I'm excited and scared both. She did tell me I wouldn't be doing any chemo for at least 3 months, probably would even be january before I would do classes. They took me around the unit and everyone was so nice. They introduced me to everyone and the one person they didn't came up to me and introduced herself. I hope this floor is as good as it seems.

So I came home all excited. Then I found out Jake was back for a week or so. So we went out to eat at golden corral.

Today I ran up and talked to Kay. She is so overwhelmed with school right now. I am going to try to do a few little research type things for her. Hopefully this will cut down on some of her running around and she can concentrate on writing the papers instead. Al and Andy were out looking at cars/trucks while i was visiting kay. Later in the afternoon we drove down, picked up Kev and Jake and went to Fantastic Four. It was pretty good. Jake LOVED it. He wanted to tell me all about the characters DURING the movie..gonna have to gag that kid....LOL He got a little worried/scared during part of it.....he curled up next to me and covered his eyes. So sweet....*giggle*

*yawwwnnnn*....well I had better hit the sack. I'm sure Jake will be here sometime tomorrow afternoon. later...

Posted by debblynn13 at 11:29 PM CDT

Thursday, July 21, 2005
another HOT day
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Tonight show

Man has it been hot lately. Today they said with the humidity factored in it was 105 and in the sun that would be 115. Nasty stuff. Luckily I stayed inside most of the day. I did go get my hair cut and to the dollar store to get some hair mousse. I cooked out on the grill tonight and was sweating up a storm by the time I got done.

Just finished watching big brother 6. Eric is so irritating. I am glad Kasar won and hopefully he will put up Eric next week.

I checked everything out for tomorrow. My outfit is pressed and my resume is in order. I figure I need to leave here around 12 to be there on time. I am a little nervous but not quit as nervous as I was at Mercy. Mainly because, I already have a job offer. I doubt they will tell me right away if I have the job, but I will try to figure out an appropriate way to tell them that I have another job offer and I need to know as soon as possible.

I suppose I should hit the sack...tomorrow may be a long one...later

Posted by debblynn13 at 11:17 PM CDT

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Tonight Show

Opps, I knew I would have a problem with this journaling thing. Seems I missed a few what has happened since saturday.

Spent the day, after church, printing out resumes, references, making copies of my letters and trying to figure out what I would say and ask during the interviews.

Interview day...I was a nervous wreck. At least it was a bit cooler so that helped some. My interview with Carey went well. I think she liked me. Then I was sent up to 9S to interview with Terri. She was very informative and I felt we fit pretty well. I think I could work for her. I am a bit more nervous about the working conditions. It seems quite claustrophobic and not as organized as Methodist was. But then on the other hand there were aspects that were better than methodist, like having supplies right outside the room. No computer charting here for the moment, sounds like it will be coming in a little over a month tho. So I guess I would be learning with everyone else.

Then it was on to 7N and Dori. I didn't feel that interview went as well. It was short and she didn't ask me very many questions. I think I got off on the wrong foot somewhere. 7 was a bit more organized and seemed more open not sure why. But 7 has more pulmonary type patients and not sure I want to deal with mucous...*bleck*

Not much happened today, just rested up from monday and that stress. I did write thankyou notes to all my interview people and then wrote Methodist HR and asked what was going on with my application there.

Today starts the nerves again. First Methodist oncology floor calls and schedules an interview for friday. This is the one I wanted...I think....Do I really? People sick, dying, vomiting, irritable, dangerous I really want this? Can I do this?? *BIG BREATH* Then in the afternoon, Mercy calls. I have the job on 9S if i want it. Oh God what do I I take it and give up on Methodist? or do I give up the job and hope I get something at Methodist? So I told her that I couldnt' say yes right now and that I have another interview on friday. She gave me until monday to decide. Guess that way I can at least see what Methodist has to offer and whether I want to gamble on it or not.

Ok that catches me up. I did make an appt tomorrow to get my hair cut. It is getting kinda stringy. I probably should also call the doc tomorrow and see about an appt. My b/p has been high for awhile now and I can't seem to get it down. I don't want to go to Mercy for a physical and have them turn me down for it. hmm.....does that mean I have decided??

Oh guess I didn't tell you....the Mercy job would be 12's..7-7 day/night rotation. That means 6 days out of the month I wouldn't see Allan. But Methodist I think is nights, so I wouldn't be home to sleep with him at all. Oh so many decisions, I know in a year I will think this is all so silly....but right now it is sooooooo stressful.

Guess I had better get off to bed.....

Posted by debblynn13 at 11:23 PM CDT

Saturday, July 16, 2005
getting ready
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: CSI

Today was spent finding something to wear for the interview. I went to several different places looking for a shirt for my linen suit, or a black jacket...ended up with a new pantsuit. It looked cool and only cost 37 dollars. I came home and was printing off my resume....oppps...hope no one looked real close at it. I found several little errors mainly punctuation/spelling/spaces that kinda stuff. I am not real sure when I actually got my EMT-B. I put down one date but I think it was a year earlier now. Guess I'll print off a few copies of the corrected resume and give them to them if they want them. I need to make a few copies of my letters from Brad, Michelle and Mia. Not sure what I want, I want a good job and hopefully where ever I go it will be good.

Posted by debblynn13 at 11:23 PM CDT

Friday, July 15, 2005
What to wear......
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: The Tonight Show

Opps, I didn't get in a post yesterday. I ran up to Ames and stopped at Heartland to talk to some of the seniors. It was good. There were still seniors that remembered me. A few more years and that probably won't be so. I also dropped off some clothes at Goodwill and some popcans at the recycling center.

Today: I finally got a call for an interview. Mercy called told me that the positions I had applied for were filled but wanted to know if I was interested in one on one of the tele floors. I said yes and now I have an interview on monday.

So now I have to get myself pulled together. Allan and I ran down and got my reference paper from Mia and ate at Golden Corral. Tummy is full now...*GRIN* Now I need to make up some cover letters and print everything off, make a nice little package for the interviewers. And what to wear?? Wish I was 30 lbs ligher, I prefered the clothes I had then to what I have now. They told me that the interview would last up to 3 hours. So I need something fairly comfortable. Carey will interview me first and then take me to 9S and 7N. I'm excited and nervous. I was hoping Methodist would be calling so I could interview there about the same time. That way I could compare the two hospitals. Oh well least I have done my clinicals at Methodist. Maybe tomorrow I will go see if I can find some better interview clothes....hmmm...what to wear.....what to wear...

Posted by debblynn13 at 11:28 PM CDT

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Friends (rerun)

Family, ya gotta love 'em, LOL. We just spent the afternoon at Aunt Alma's house sorting out junk. She periodically talks about going to assisted living and when she does she will have to get rid of stuff. And guess who really will be getting rid of stuff for her..*weak smile* So we want to see what we can clean out of there while we can. So today we started upstairs in Grandma's old bedroom. We went through dressers, some sweatshirts, Norwegian sweater, a bunch of Millies clothes. Well we can't get rid of Millies clothes, Alma might use them some day. Can't get rid of the piles of fabric, cause she might use them some day. But we did get some books out of there and a few nighties and we organized some of the norwegian stuff into the cedar chest. Then we went downstairs and went through some barrels. BUNCH of quilts, feather, wool, decorative, you name it. Found out a couple of the decorative quilts were actually Ruths. Then I gave up and started to take pictures of furniture, chests, pictures, norwegian stuff, anything that I thought might be valuable. We found a pair of little wooden shoes in the backroom. Alma said they were hers. She got them during the war and everyone in her plattoon signed them. That was cool. Anyway we are going to take those pictures and put some little blurb with them and have someone put it on a website, that way everyone can see and enjoy them. Also when the time comes, we can figure out someway to fairly distribute it. Barb is thinking a lottery. I don't know what I would want. I love Grandmas rocker, the norwegian chests are neat tho. Some of the furniture is neat but doesn't remind me of grandma very much. I probably could have gotten a norwegian sweater if I wanted, but I would never wear it. I do like the spinning wheel and i'm probably the only person in the family who has actually used one. Oh I don't know, we will see. There is a picture of the old family land back in norway, that is neat. We want to make copies of it so many people can have it. So much to do over there, it is going to take years to go through it all.

Posted by debblynn13 at 6:50 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:52 PM CDT

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
What to keep?
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Average Joes then on to Big Brother 6

Hey three days in a row, that is not too bad for me. *snicker* I started sorting through my clothes. I have a HUGE garbage sack full of clothes for the goodwill and probably will have another couple bags before I am done. I really need to be strong and toss crap. I want to keep some of the really nice things in the smaller sizes too, just incase I actually do lose weight. So my challenge is to not keep too many of those types of clothes, just the really nice jeans or suits. I have the same type of problem with my t-shirts. I should just get rid of some, esp the stained and worn ones, but gee they are the most comfy. But I MUST do it. If we decide to move I have to have some of this out of here. I am SUCH a packrat.

Otherwise today, I got my first rejection, the surgical nurse job I applied for. I am not upset, I'm not sure I could really physically handle it anyway. But I really would love to see some surgeries.

Wow, I kinda forgot I was typing on this. Average Joes is over, BB is over and now I am Rock Stars, INXS. They have some decent singers on there.

Ok, I'm off for the night, maybe more tomorrow?

Posted by debblynn13 at 9:23 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:27 PM CDT

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